Apr 9, 2010

I Have A Question...

I want to know what you think. so please leave a comment.

Every morning when I wake up, I want to wear my basketball shorts. But my mom doesn't let me unless it is 65 degrees or higher.

Today was 58 degrees and i thought it was warm outside and ok to wear shorts. But my mom said NO. I was mad at her!!!

I think it should be my choice to wear whatever I want. My mom said when she was little it had to be 70 degrees to wear shorts.

What do you think the temperature should be to wear shorts?? I hope you will leave me a comment and tell me what you think.



  1. I think you are still young enough that you need to LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER!!! But I think there are always exceptions:) Maybe if you wear a long sleeved shirt with a jacket and socks and shoes then you'd be warm enough to wear shorts.

  2. jane.i think it shood be 80 mackay.

  3. I think your mother knows best! So, listen to your mom. 65 degrees seems warm enough, but 58 degrees sounds a little too cold.

  4. jane.why did you getyelld at on the bus

  5. 58 degrees is a little chllly, but my boys where shorts at that temp and I am okay with it. As long as it isn't raining or snowing outside. It is their own fault if they freeze and want to be stupid.

  6. Deal with it bro(: But it isn't chilly mom. Maybe not for men like Mackay(: Love ya brother
