Apr 10, 2012

My Primary Talk on Easter

Today is Easter. It is the day we celebrate Jesus’s Resurrection. My brother, sister, & I get an Easter basket filled with goodies. Our entire family gets together for a big dinner and we have an Easter egg hunt. It's a fun day. But what is the message of Easter?

At Easter time a few years ago, we found out the my Grandma Kathy was sick. She wasn't very old and was a fun grandma. I was sad to learn that she would probably die. I was going to miss her.

While she was sick I heard my mom talk about how happy she was that she would one day get to see her mom again. We talked a lot about Forever Families. We had many family prayers and my grandma received lots of priesthood blessings. Each one thanking our Heavenly Father for eternal families. A few months later, Grandma Kathy died.

It has been almost 4 years since I have seen or talked to my grandma. I have wondered how she got to heaven & if it hurt her to go there. I think about her a lot and wonder if she is close and happy.

When I have had a busy day filled with sports and school, I sometimes fall asleep before getting into my bed. The next morning, I am surprised because I wake up in my own bed. I know that someone - probably my dad because he is stronger then my mom, lovingly picked me up in his arms and carried me to my bed and tucked me in without me feeling a thing.

As I think about this, I think that is what happened to my Grandma Kathy. I think when her body got tired she fell asleep and our loving Heavenly Father carried her in his arms and she woke up in a different place without feeling a thing.

I know she is close and that she is happy. Her body isn't sick anymore and she is able to watch over me the way she did when she was here. She still loves m, and I still love her. Not much has changed, she is the same Grandma in heaven as she was here on earth.

God so loved us, that He sent His son. Jesus loved us, that he suffered and died for us. If He hadn't suffered in the garden of Gethsemane, then there would be no hope in seeing my Grandma again or my family being together forever. But He did ... and THAT is the great message of Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Great talk! I like how you talked about your Grandma Kathy falling asleep and Heavenly Father carrying her to another place. That was a beautiful image in my mind. Hope your Easter was fun as you celebrated with family!
